Engineers Week – 19th - 25th February 2023

Symone Bernard

Symone Bernard

· 4 min read

Engineers Week is celebrating the positive impact engineers have made in our lives and also promotes their work as a dream career. Founded in 1951, Engineers week is dedicated to encouraging a well-educated, diverse engineering workforce.

Furthermore, it is an excellent opportunity to increase interest in technology careers. Learn more about the history and activities during this dedicated week to engineering.

What is Engineering Week?

Engineers Week is celebrated from the 19th – 25th February 2023. The very first celebration took place in 1951, and it was the first honouring of the engineering work.

Science and engineering are present in our lifestyle. Every little device we are using, the house we live in, and the smart products we take advantage of are all thanks to engineers’ work.

As such, there is nothing wrong in saying that today’s technology and comfort of life are down to engineering too.

Therefore, science and engineering deserve a whole week celebration. The National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) set up Engineers Week to promote and raise awareness of the engineers’ contribution.

Types of Engineering Careers:

- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering

The Purpose of Engineers Week

As previously mentioned, Engineers Week is turning the spotlight on engineering careers, so it is the perfect time to:

- Bring engineering and this amazing world in front of educators, parents, children and young people.

- Increase public awareness and dialogue about the importance of engineering in daily habits.

- Celebrate the work of engineers and how it makes a difference today's history.

From the 19th to the 25th of February, Engineers Week is the annual campaign that inspires and excites children, young people, and adults as well to start a possible career in engineering.

Moreover, it is a great opportunity to understand this field of work better and appreciate it differently.

Engineers Week is also celebrating the positive, daily contribution of engineers. This translates better in the wealth of our lives, and, why not, this celebration is an excellent opportunity to increase the learning diversity in schools and workplaces, and reinforce education so the world can have better future engineers.

Engineers Week Celebration Amount Young People

Celebrating Engineers Week in young people’s environments is essential, as the future workforce needs the right motivation and inspiration to get involved in more complex careers. As such, the main activities during this week refer to:

- Offering dedicated lessons for children and young people to understand the basics of engineering and help them decide if they want this kind of career.

- Open dialogues about the role of engineering in our daily lives.

- Promoting Engineers Week in schools and educational institutions

- Offering learning packs with lots of information about engineering careers

- Rewarding children for what they have achieved in this learning week.

Last but not least, Engineer Week is about rolling up people's sleeves and doing practical activities too. What better way to understand the engineering world than experimenting with science?

Did you know?

1. The snowboard

  • The Snurfer, an early version of the snowboard, was invented by Sherman Poppen in 1965.

2. Running Shoes

  • Founder of Adidas, Adolf Dassler, created the running shoe in 1925.

3. Water Slidess

  • Thank Herbert Sellner for creating the first patented water slide in 1923.

4. The Ferris Wheel

  • Civil engineer George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. created the design for one of the greatest wonders.

5. Virtual Reality

  • The first virtual reality headset was created by Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull in 1968.

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Symone Bernard

About Symone Bernard

Virtual Center Manager - Academy Achievers / BeMe