BeMe Digital Inclusion Program

Deisgned to give Black girls the digital skills for the future of work.

WE help Schools
Tech Careers.
For Future STEM Leaders ready to guide our #BeMe girls.
Sign Up To #BeMe
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Why Sign up to BeMe?

“The results have been nothing short of remarkable. Test scores have soared, with a notable 25% increase in college acceptance rates among participants.”
What is #BeMeDigitalinclusion Program

BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring is a comprehensive program designed to bridge the digital divide within educational institutions. It focuses on providing schools with the necessary tools, resources, and expertise to integrate digital literacy and technology into their curriculum. This initiative aims to empower #BeMedigitalinclusion Global Majority women and girls by enhancing their digital skills and ensuring equal access to technology for all.

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Benefits to your school!

why join?

Improved Educational Attainment in STEM

The #BeMe program supercharges STEM education, especially for global majority girls, narrowing the gender divide with a surge in engagement and achievement in vital tech fields. It's a catalyst for digital prowess!

Improved Educational Attainment in STEM
Improved Educational Attainment in STEM
digital literacy

Digital Literacy & Educator Development in STEM

Our program transforms educators into STEM champions with targeted training, turning classrooms into vibrant, tech-savvy learning environments that captivate and educate.

go ahead and create impacts

Community Engagement & Social Impact

#BeMe creates a collaborative network, uniting schools, families, and communities in a collective digital education endeavour. It's the heartbeat of a socially impactful education movement.

Improved Educational Attainment in STEM
Improved Educational Attainment in STEM

Inclusive Education Practices

Championing inclusivity, the #BeMe initiative guarantees that the digital education frontier is accessible to every student, laying a foundation for equitable and advanced learning opportunities.

What's included?



Direct mentoring from industry leaders in the tech sector.

Industry Experience

Talent: Opportunities for students to engage in apprenticeships, work experiences, or internships, providing hands-on learning and professional development.

Tech Visits

Exclusive London Tech office visits to leading tech companies, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the digital world.

Sustainable Tech Event

Invitations to regional tech events, allowing participants to network with professionals and stay ahead of emerging trends.

This comprehensive package is designed to provide real-world experience and insights, bridging the gap between academic learning and the professional tech landscape. Participants in the BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program will receive unparalleled support and opportunities.

School Success Stories

Hear what others have to say

The Head Teacher of Oasis Academy

"The Head Teacher of Oasis Academy highlights the transformation of their school community through the #BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program, which significantly boosts confidence, skills in technology, and interest in STEM subjects among female students."

Natalie Simpson

"Natalie Simpson highlights the program's transformative role in providing real-world tech experiences, particularly empowering female students to become tech advocates."

Mrs. Williams

"Mrs. Williams praises the program for positioning the school as a leader in eco-friendly technology education and fostering student-led community initiatives."

Dean Clarke

"Dean Clarke lauds the program for fostering a culture of peer support and leadership, especially among young women, and offering invaluable tech career insights."

Sharon White

"Sharon White credits the program with instigating change by equipping students with digital skills and a commitment to sustainable technology, boosting female engagement in STEM."

Mrs. Smith

"Due to the program, Mrs Smith observes a significant boost in student engagement, technical skills, and confidence, particularly among young women"

Ms. Anita Williams

"Ms. Anita Williams identifies the program as a source of valuable tech experiences and a motivator for student interest in STEM careers, especially among girls."

Mrs Nicole Nguyen

"Mrs Nicole Nguyen underscores the program's crucial role in educating about sustainable technology, encouraging young women to pursue STEM careers, and enhancing inclusivity."


Hear what other are saying about #BeMe.

Joining the #BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program was a game-changer for me. The #BeMe mentoring I received opened my eyes to the vast possibilities in the tech world. Seeing female mentors in tech careers was incredibly inspiring as a young woman.
Random Person
Jasmine Lee
Year 10
Before the #BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program, I never thought much about my future career. The internship experience through the #BeMe digital inclusion program was eye-opening. Working on real projects and being treated as part of the team was amazing.
Random Person
Year 10
The work experience part of The #BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program was transformative. Being in a real tech environment, contributing to projects, and learning from professionals was incredibly empowering. As a young woman, this experience has bolstered my confidence and solidified my desire to pursue a career in STEM, a field I once thought was out of reach for someone like me.
Random Person
Sarah Patel
Year 13
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Illum et ex, provident voluptatum, pariatur ea fugiat, earum consequuntur iure quisquam dolores aut at dolor blanditiis.
Random Person
Random Person
Random Position
Participating in the #BeMedigitalinclusion Tech Sustainable event was a highlight of the #BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program for me. It wasn't just about learning but about applying what we learned to make a difference. This The #BeMedigitalinclusion Mentoring Program has made me more aware of my community and the role technology can play in improving it.
Random Person
Laura Yeboah
Year 10
Frequently Asked Questions

Start your schools mentoring today in 4 simple steps.
Limited spaces only.

1. Register your interest2. Speak to the #BeMedigitalinclsuion Coordinatort3. Sign the Mentoring Agreement4. Start your #BeMe Mentoring journey

Flagship Schools | How to get involved? | Other Programs

How to Become a Flagship School

To become a flagship school under the #BeMedigitalinclusion program, schools must embark on a transformative journey that aligns with the initiatives core values of inclusivity, digital literacy, and innovation in education.

Step 1: Application

The process begins with an application that details the school's current engagement with digital technology and its vision for integrating digital inclusion into its curriculum and pedagogical approaches.

Step 2: Assessment with BeMe Team

Following this, a collaborative assessment with the #BeMedigitalinclusion team helps identify areas for development and tailor 2a bespoke action plan. As a flagship school, you gain access to a wealth of resources, training workshops for teachers, and curriculum development support.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved with the #BeMedigitalinclusion program opens a world of opportunities for individuals passionate about making a difference in the digital landscape of education. Whether you're looking to contribute as an Ambassador, Mentor, or STEM Instructor, your journey starts by expressing your interest through the #BeMe program's “Get Involved” page. Here, you'll find detailed information on each role, including responsibilities, qualifications, and how your involvement can impact communities. By joining, you become part of a dedicated network striving to bridge the digital divide and foster a more inclusive, tech-savvy generation.

Becoming an Ambassador, Mentor, or STEM Instructor

Become an Ambassador: Ambassadors play a crucial role in spreading awareness about the importance of digital inclusion and the #BeMedigitalinclusion program's goals. They engage with communities, schools, and stakeholders, sharing inspiring stories of transformation and success.

Mentor: Mentors using our structured program provide guidance, support, and encouragement to students navigating the complexities of the digital world. Their expertise helps cultivate a safe and nurturing environment for learning and exploration.

STEM Instructor: As a STEM Instructor, you'll lead workshops and sessions that ignite curiosity and passion for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Your knowledge helps demystify these subjects, making them accessible and enjoyable for all students.

Other Programs

The #BeMedigitalinclusion initiative also encompasses a range of programs designed to cater to diverse needs and interests: Early Years STEM Music: This innovative program combines STEM education with music, making learning fun and engaging for younger children. It lays a strong foundation for both logical thinking and creative expression.