
Benefits to your school!

why join?

Improved Educational Attainment in STEM

The #BeMe program supercharges STEM education, especially for global majority girls, narrowing the gender divide with a surge in engagement and achievement in vital tech fields. It's a catalyst for digital prowess!

Improved Educational Attainment in STEM
Improved Educational Attainment in STEM
digital literacy

Digital Literacy & Educator Development in STEM

Our program transforms educators into STEM champions with targeted training, turning classrooms into vibrant, tech-savvy learning environments that captivate and educate.

go ahead and create impacts

Community Engagement & Social Impact

#BeMe creates a collaborative network, uniting schools, families, and communities in a collective digital education endeavour. It's the heartbeat of a socially impactful education movement.

Improved Educational Attainment in STEM
Improved Educational Attainment in STEM

Inclusive Education Practices

Championing inclusivity, the #BeMe initiative guarantees that the digital education frontier is accessible to every student, laying a foundation for equitable and advanced learning opportunities.